
Friday, March 12, 2010

You say potato, I say taco...

I look forward to every Friday, every week. Not for the typical reasons as most though, I look forward to this day because it means one thing...Farmers Market, but most important about that is fresh, hand-made, potato tacos. I crave these delights all week long. I want them for dinner on the day I just had them for lunch. One of the best parts is there isn't any meat so I can have my num-num during lent. The tortillas are pressed and grilled right before my eyes, I enjoy mine with creme, salsa verde, queso, cilantro, wee bit o' onion and to top it all, strawberry lemonade...maybe I will buy fresh flowers this week too, and indulge in some just-made cheddar-korn as well....Happy Friday.

1 comment:

  1. You are a good blogger Jules! Hope you are well! Love and hugs
