
Monday, March 30, 2015

A Book: The Night Circus

I finally started this book on Friday, I am about half way through and I can't put it down. I'm reading the actual book (not on my phone) so I can only read it when my hands are baby free, or with the light on :/ This is one of those stories I can't stop thinking about. I really hope they make this into a movie, although I'm not sure who should play who yet...but if they do, I hope they do a really good job. Please.

I think the cast and setting from Penny Dreadful would maybe be kind of perfect. That show had so much potential, but it turned out pretty...well dreadful. Not by any fault of the actors, the story totally lacked any panache, going off on all these dumb tangents, never focusing on what you wanted more of...

So ya, I can't stop thinking about it, I'm at work right now, and I'm having a horrible time focusing. Maybe I'll just pull it out for a little bit...